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shape and ride
shape and ride
11 avril 2007

faire son gabarit / drawing the template

Allez, il est temps de tracer son outline et faire son gabarit!

So, let's draw the outline and make a template

Tout ce qu'il faut c'est:

- une fine latte clouée tous les 5cm

- une planche fine de medium ou CP

- scie sauteuse, cale à poncer, crayon à papier 

all you need is:

- a thin batten, nailed every 5 cm

- a thin medium or plywood board

- jigsaw, sandpaper, drawing pencil

Après avoir tracé ses repères x/y, on cloue la latte sur la planche, le long des points

after drawing the marks (x/y), nail the batten on the board along the outline


on trace la courbe et voilà le résultat

draw the line, and here it is...


on passe tout ça à la scie sauteuse + finition à la cale à poncer

use a jigsaw and sandpaper to finish

le gabarit / the template



lol! come and visit us to the HQ whenever you want!<br /> <br /> feel free to correct me if I do too many mistakes in my translation!!<br /> <br /> ;-D
Berlitz will do the translation better than me....<br /> I can not speak portuguese :-(<br /> <br /> In case of any job which requests english, do not hesitate to contact your HR Dedicated HQ to get in touch with me on one of my 7 cell phones... prior to contact the A-Team.<br /> <br /> OYE comme ils disent au Portugal !
The executive board manager of the "kitos world company" asked me to !!! lol!<br /> <br /> well, I can put it in Portugese, but I need to ask my human resource manager if we can afford a full-time Portugese translator ;-)<br /> <br /> Do you want to apply for the job Garden Dwarf ?
Hello,<br /> <br /> now it's translated into English ??? What happened ? Why not in Portuguesh ?<br /> <br /> It's for the International Business ???<br /> <br /> Good Job and good luck<br /> <br /> BR<br /> Garden Dwarf 37
shape and ride
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